Additional information




Dec 17, 2021

Project Status

The project is available on XICRA github. You can report issues or contribute to the project by forking the project and creating pull requests. See additional details on XICRA developer guidelines and how to work with Git.


MicroRNAs (miRNAs), a class of small non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs), have an average length of 21–23 nucleotides (nt). They have been widely studied as endogenous regulatory molecules that modulate gene expression post-transcriptionally by inducing target mRNA silencing and decay. Additional roles beyond negative modulation of mRNA function have also been proposed.

Most miRNA expression studies based on next generation sequencing (NGS) performed to this date have summarized all the reads mapping to a specific miRNA locus or miRNA sequence with or without mismatches and assign it to a single miRNA entity (a miRBase reference database entry). However, this type of analysis neglects the fact that not all reads are identical to the mature reference sequence in miRBase. Small RNA sequencing NGS methodology has revealed that miRNAs can frequently appear in the form of multiple sequence variants or isoforms (termed isomiRs).

XICRA is a pipeline to analyze small RNA sequencing (small RNA-seq) data, which allows detecting and quantifying isomiR level variation in miRNA.


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Github statistics

These are Github statistics generated for each release of the code.

GitHub stats for 20xx/xx/xx - 20xx/xx/xx (tag: vX.X.X)

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See below information on differences among each release of the code generated.